Not eating

For the past day I have zero appetite. Hunger is my middle name so this is really weird. I am also super hyper. The bright side is I lost 5 lbs. ha!

I like your avatar pic

good looking couple


I get Hyper I don’t eat either, guess my mind starts working on other things and forgets about food

Thanks @Daze! :slight_smile:

I read where it is part of schizophrenia. I eat maybe two small meals a day now

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Its like made for each other…!!! nice couple…!!!

Winter I eat more, summer I lose the winter weight

I am typically the same but I just stopped eating yesterday

I need to cut back a bit on junk, fell off the wagon for a bit

I need to get back on my low carb diet. I cheated and had pancakes last night


They were totally worth it though.


I remember a commercial awhile ago

the mother says to daughter

a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips

the daughter says to her

come on, mom, live a little

ha, I sided with the daughter


Ha! I wish I could eat what I wanted, but I just gain so much!