Not been diagnosed

I’ve been diagnosed with psychotic depression even though my symptoms correspond with textbook precision with schizophrenia, but my doctor refuses to diagnose me. I have severe cognitive impairment as well as all the negative symptoms and had delusions of reference and hallucinations while hospitalised.

How long did it take for your condition to be diagnosed? I am getting frustrated and the more I say I think I am schizophrenic the more determined he becomes in suggesting I am not. I am 36 and my doctor always uses the fact that it is statistically less likely at my age as a reason it is psychotic depression. I feel like a clear diagnosis would help me move forward and would help my family understand too. At the moment I am struggling with even basic things like getting out of bed and showering.

Welcome to the boards. Pays to be patient regardless of the label. These days it’s more about the treatment anyways so take the pills as prescribed and just ride it out. Symptoms change over time and with medication so you’ll find that most people here have had different diagnosis through the course of their treatment. I was dxed depressive at 23. Sz at 29 as an example. It will become apparent so the important thing is maintaining treatment.


I came late to the schizophrenic party…diagnosed at the age of 39.

I am going to reiterate to my doctor that late onset is totally possible and should not be his main reason for suggesting it is something else.

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You might find that psychotic depression has a better prognosis. Schizophrenia is usually much worse clinically so there may be benefits. Ie the possibility to come off the meds. Just saying.

Positives: Paranoia, hallucinations, voices, delusions of reference…etc.

Negatives: Poor sleep, issues with showering, tired, unmotivated, difficulty shaving, doing laundry, eating properly.

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Yeah I’d love for it to be psychotic depression but the symptoms just don’t add up and I went through a course of 16 ECT treatments and I’m still a total mess.

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You stated you had ‘delusions of reference and hallucinations’.

To me that is in the schizophrenia ballpark and needs to be investigated more closely by your psychiatrist.

Nobody knows your own body better than you. Perhaps seek a second opinion from another doctor (if you are able to).

Yeah I think I may need to do that. I feel like he thinks I am making it up. Sigh

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