Norway to become 1st country to switch off FM radio


Guess the days are numbered for radio stations. I never listen to them anymore.


yay, no more radio signals that could possibly interfere with the human brain!

I listen to them constantly and have one running out of my basement, but they are all Net based. Don’t understand why people haven’t updated.

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Fm radio is very popular in our country …!!!

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then I guess you’re not excited about Norway’s decision…

your country might be next in the technological invasion…

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My country isn’t that rich to bring about any development …!!! U.S might be next just kidding…!!
BTW how are u Prince…???

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I have a digital radio in my kitchen but my car has normal fm/am radio. I listen to an am radio station that also broadcasts in digital so I can listen to it both in my car and at home.

If they switch off radio am/fm here in Australia, I’ll have to drive in silence because my cd player in my car recently broke down.

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