Same here… I do have some zyprexa tablets around… but using them for more than a 1 time thing to reverse insomnia really messes me up in a lot of ways…
It’s crucial you avoid all foreign and unnatural substances… caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, and god forbid anything else… (I’m still working on this.)
More or less I’ve med free for almost 8 months… There have been a couple relapses… Novemeber/December were the worst… but me and my family sorted out how to make that easier in the future. I tried hosting x mas as my mom was out of town… big mistake. People are my trigger. Having anyone in my house for 3 days or more is certain to drive me crazy. They know that now… I also told them that I don’t care for holidays… if they want to spend time with me they can make different plans when they have the opportunity. Otherwise I’ll drop in if I feel like it on holidays. Which I probably will, but its not an obligation so I don’t have to stress about it.
Really it’s stress that makes symptoms worse for me. Even waking up from a bad dream can lead to 10-30 minutes of intense voices.
I have thought broadcasting delusions… so it’s crucial that I keep control of my mind. Hearing people walk around or talk or basically any interaction with humans makes me hallucinate telepathic responses from them. If I am in the state to let my mind run wild, I have to make sure I don’t feel guilty about it that’s a stressor on its own. It was more or less the same for me regardless of whether I was on meds or not.
If meds DO help you… then take them. Natural healing from SZ through relaxation and therapy and introspection… It’s a full time job… having to keep up with the real world probably isn’t compatible.
Sorry your BF got stationed in Korea. I had friend go over there. North Korea is more bark then bite, even though they treat their people like ■■■■.
Keep checking in with us though and you’ll learn a lot. There are a few non-medders on here that just roll with it. It’s not the smoothest ride, but at this point in my life I can afford to use this time to see what I can do myself to sort out the chaos…
For the last few months the voices have been harassing me. “You’re christian… YOU"RE CHRISTIAN.” I’m certainly not… but they wish to impose common crap on me like that. That’s one of several hundred things they’ve called me for a few weeks before it tapers off and they move to the next one. They find a button and they press it and press it and try to have an influence over me.
My point is though, you can get over topic x and y… and I’m hoping eventually all that crap runs its course and their aint nothing left.
They do like to call me a child molester… they know that one really bothers me. That’s ■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■ though. I hate this illness, but I dealt with side effects and a series of unaffective overpriced meds for 2 years… I understand how my SZ works… it’s part torment, part reflective harassment…
Stay positive… Trust in your future… do what you gotta do…
Research stress management and how to handle depression and mania if you deal with those.
Serotonin for the win.