No Sleep Club

I go from like super awesome machine to like “nah Im just gonna hangout with my people” when I don’t get sleep. That and I just have a little work…which I like to do in the afternoons anyways…I like systems in the mornings and reading in the afternoons and evenings…honestly I am just sort of crappy today…I forget that bad days happen.

dat insomnia tho like dayum the nightmares had me up like “■■■■ I cant go back to sleep, ■■■■!”

then I check out all the medications threads and accidentally refer to this outline I need to memorize sometime before tomorrow…like accidentally learning and sharing…sharing is caring, learning is yearning. Preparing is daring. Staring is glaring.

Oh ■■■■ whaddup clanging is a symptom, my favorite symptom.

I didn’t sleep well last night either. Purposely didn’t take sleep meds because I wanted to be able to wake up the next morning instead of sleeping through most of the day. Well now I’m groggy, slept very restlessly and, strangely, was seeing things really weird. I’m not sure how to explain it and I don’t think I can put it into words but I was tripping out in the process. I got scared that I was going crazy…anyways. Insomnia sucks!

You need to stick to your meds girl. You need an ap, stop screwing around, you’ll regret it.

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