No longer have love of the city

just too much stimulus and noise, but other than that, it’s nice to visit and walk around and shop sometimes.

a couple years ago a cheap 1 bedroom 1 bath place came on the market downtown, in my hometown. i was so close to making an offer on it. if i had moved there i would probably be back to being an alcoholic, because there were a few bars and restaurants just a couple blocks away, i would have spent all my time at. and i would have walked to work at the casino. probably for the best i didnt move back.

but country life is nice and quiet for me and im starting to prefer it over city life, although it does get boring at times and is a little further commute to things. but o well, take the good with the bad i guess.


I’m finding with age, I like more and more quiet so I can relate. But I do like that everything is a short drive from me.


My paternal grandmother used to live in the middle of downtown in an apartment. We’d here cars driving by in the middle of the night. You get used to it. When I was a teenager someone offered me and my boyfriend some crack or something when we were walking outside her place.

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