No Job Support, Trying to move out

So I applied to a job an hour from me, and I cant get ahold of anyone but I will find transportation to the interview. I just dont know if thats gonna be worth it. I feel burnt out on trying or contemplating, but I think I need to be active, just dont want to overwork myself and fry my brain anymore than I need to.

Plans; get money back, get lyft to appointment since I have no access to transport, tell them I want to work there, present my paper copy of my ID/since it was recently stolen, get hired, make money, move out. easy. I just have to do it. Get all my ducks in a row and go for it.


Good to hear that you’re planning for your future.

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i hope you manage to get the job. It’s good that you are working on your future though huh =)

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Yeah get that money😌

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Hey, I think it’s awesome that you’re trying @anon69073975, wishing you all luck with this.


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An hour away is really far. Does it cost too much for a Lyft during rush hour when you’ll be going to work and home? Is the cost sustainable? I hope so. Good luck on your interview!

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