No, I Don't Feel Pinned

I just know how to be a friend. But leave to you, Not Moses, to bring up past transgression to try to hurt someone, especially women, you’ve got a real thing against that.

If you and Alien were true therapists, I wonder how many clients you would have? My guess is, not many.

You are very wrong about notmoses Daze.
He is just truthful …and sometimes we don’t want to see the truth ( as with the naked King…).
Regardless of my opinion, he proved his intentions on here as quite transparent…

Anyway, ya know this thread will be locked.

Hey my girls! What’s this drama about…

I only go by what I’m given, if he’s gonna make snide comments about me, he can just keep it to himself. Anyway, thanks for your words, Sara.

I might be gone awhile. I’m adjusting to my new busy schedule.

Good luck with your new job!

Daze, congrats on the new job and good luck with it.

I will note that this would be an excellent conversation to have using the site’s group PM function. No need to scatter dirty undies everywhere. :wink:

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(Wearing moderator undies. Clean ones.)