No Fap reboot

Idk about rebooting ur brain. Hmmm

I live in my moms living room where would I masturbate? I just don’t. And good luck @AmateurUnlicensedQuack it seems hard. No pun intended hehehehehehehe


I lived in my mom’s livingroom as well. I masturbated during night or in the bathroom.

this man has to tend to his needs. not good for a man like me to bottle things (like that) up


I’ve never masturbated in my life…

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hard mode no-fap championess ^^^

are there any hard mode no-fap champions on the forum?

Yeah, masturbating without porn doesnt really wreck the brain unless in excess.

Nothing in excess.

masturbating, in excess, isn’t possible for me; else I’d break my sword.

lol lol lol lol lol. I almost learned that the hard way.

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Your thoughts about the act should last as long as the act, then be put on the shelf until next time.
Too much attention on anything leads to negative thinking, and like those Chinese finger torture tricks, the harder you try to remove your fingers, the tighter it binds.

Simply do your deed, then move on.

The more you run over a dead (animal), the flatter it gets.

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Uses common lingo like “fap”, subject disregarded.

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hey hey hey don’t look, somebody is squanching in here.

funny topic I will say.

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I have never heard the term ‘fap’ before but, as a female, I have always felt that (many, not all) men were obsessed with sex and, consequently, very predatory toward women. I am a fan of anything that contributes to emotional maturity and squelching any type of sexual obsession. I agree that masturbation is safe and fine and all that (I’ve done it myself!) but, again, in my experience, many men are sexually obsessive and it affects their treatment of women and inhibits their ability to see women as people first instead of bodies to masturbate with. Good luck on your quest :slight_smile:


fap fap fap.

what were you saying? I was…busy.

just kidding lol.

fap fap fap!


What about masturbating with very little porn, like pictures for example and not full on videos? Or perhaps softcore. Like we did before the internet, or for me when I was like 14? Masturbating with just the imagination sounds like a feat, I don’t have 30 minutes to myself. I think there should be more than 2 “modes”.

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Even artificial insemination involves a guy having sexual thoughts or looking at porn and masturbating into a cup. In fact, thousands of guys committing that same act. That’s a pretty sexual thought when you think about it, I’m sure a lot of people are turned on by that.

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all I know is that I get excited around certain people. and my best way to handle that excitement is to release.

from my previous experiences, bottling it up and not releasing were dangerous, and even led to relapse and watching porn. releasing is a great way for me to return to a more rational and calm state of mind.

of course I don’t get excited in public because I’m around other mature dudes and I absorb their maturity and coolness. :wink:

lol just kidding, I rarely go outside. when I do, I don’t look at people.

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I live with my parents so I’m not around pretty girls very often. I might be going to college this year, then the moment I see a pretty girl I’ll probably overreact and make a fool of myself. Maybe I’ll be able to act cool and relaxed, maybe not. I was cool in high school, now I’m starved for social contact.


maybe some people could do that, but I couldn’t. porn is quite addictive for me. watching videos or looking at pictures, for a little bit, will get me hooked. I won’t easily be able to stop thinking about it. takes away my freedom of thought. I really hated that.

but maybe OP could try that gradual approach. might help

I would describe porn as being like that creature in star wars which lives in the ground…sarlaac, that’s the one

Interestingly it looks kind of like feminine body parts in my opinion

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lol lol lol I wish I was a star wars fan. I feel so left out a lot, like I was born in the wrong decade. lol lol

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I’m not much of a fan myself, but I watch a lot of family guy… and there was a parody of this so I watched the original. I tried getting into star wars when i was younger, couldn’t understand the plot. btw i am probably a little bit younger than you so we were both born in the 90s. this was good time to be born, younger people have more of their lifespan to live out. hopefully those years will be with someone special/meaningful, not porn.

There is literally so much porn on the internet accessible to young kids, i first saw porn when I was like 13 on 4chan, they need to put stricter regulations on online porn. nobody cards you when you go on this or that website.

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porn is a powerful and lucrative business that has many strings.