is anyone a nihilist? and if so what is the purpose to continue with a nihilist mindset? paradoxical question sorry
The most beautiful philosophy to inspire the creative mind and the most poignant one to live with.
Take it cum grano salis or just as serious as any good poetry work: it is attractive for its subversion and the perspective of what Hamlet called “a time out of joint” but it neither leaves you satisfied nor it pays your bills. If you get what I’m saying.
i guess everything is just a matter of perspective. but to what i quoted, are you saying it doesnt accomplish anything, and it is the corruption to what draws someone into nihilism?
I’m saying that nihilism is only what it is: a nihilism; just another ism; a product of specific moment of time and a great contributor to the history of humans mind.
Even if you look at it as the someone’s “mindset” it doesn’t deny the fact that it just another philosophical discourse operating within the language and specific tradition of modern thought.
What are you saying? :
oh thats kind of what i was getting at lol. the use of subversion threw me off a little. i interpreted it as someone wants to overthrow, or fix something in ones life so they are drawn to nihilism
I wouldn’t call Nietzsche a nihilist.
For a moment I was lost. Google search put me to understand what you guys are talking about.
Google search:
Nihilism is the belief that all values are baseless and that nothing can be known or communicated. It is often associated with extreme pessimism and a radical skepticism that condemns existence. A true nihilist would believe in nothing, have no loyalties, and no purpose other than, perhaps, an impulse to destroy.
sorry for my lack of knowledge, but didnt nietzsche support the “rule of the jungle”? if yes, then that isnt nihilism, but an advocation to be the strongest amonst the weak, not total foregoing of (moral) systems.
Walter Sobchak: Nihilists! ■■■■me. I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it’s an ethos.
Nietzsche said that God was dead. He meant that Christianity had imposed itself on the academic world and that the brilliant minds of the time were unknowingly behaving like Christians. To keep it in a nutshell, he said screw that.
I myself look like a Christian, even have a somewhat Christian tattoo, which is from a series called Berserk set in an alternative medieval Europe. It’s a perverted cross which means I am hunted by demons, but that’s not what it really means- the protagonist who has it is a demon hunter, and demons coming to him makes his day because he slaughters them.
I have been abstinent for over a year, I live a straight lifestyle and take medications as prescribed. I am going to a catholic school for my Psy D. My family is Catholic and they all went to Notre dame or Jesuit schools. I value the mores of Christianity but I do not exactly have faith. I am skeptical because faith once led me down the rabbit hole of delusion.
I’m down with hunting demons, or whatever things exist which have been named demons. As a psych, I aim to seriously hunt and kill “demons” which people including myself are cursed with.
This is what Nietzsche did not like; I am practically Christian yet I am “scientific skeptic” when asked what my beliefs are.
It seems like all these “isms” can be dangerous - communism, fascism, unregulated capitalism. The only ism I like is skepticism. I’m not a nihilist. I believe there is a meaning in life, but it can’t be neatly packaged. I like the ancient Greek skeptics dictum - “Nothing is certain, not even that”.
There are many forms of nihilism. I am an existential nihilist. I still believe in morals. I just believe a human or the species as a whole has no meaning. And that we’re insignificant to the universe. We just exist. I am also fond of egoism though.
Especially authoritarianism that’s the worst
I did not know that. I am definitely gonna have to do some research on the matter.
Marilyn Manson and Trent Reznor are adamant nihilists. I don’t know where I’d be right now if I didn’t have God in my life. I can’t believe some can have the nihilist mindset without feeling suicidal. I mean, what’s to stop you?
means nothing to me lol
I’m trying to figure that out
in it for the money
cool guy it seems, but it makes me wonder when one person can make the same, dark music for 25 years. its like, does he have any positive emotions?
that said, i do like some of their music.
We as individuals have to find our own meaning.
Have you heard _Hesitation Marks? It’s a pretty positive album, at least in NIN terms.