Is it possible that I’m feeling more crazy because I stopped vaping? Like I’m on edge and everything bothers me… am I heading into another episode? Should I buy a vape to calm down?
Anybody quit and feel out of control
Is it possible that I’m feeling more crazy because I stopped vaping? Like I’m on edge and everything bothers me… am I heading into another episode? Should I buy a vape to calm down?
Anybody quit and feel out of control
your issues are deeper than the vape you just have to decide if you want to vape or not and if it helps you
Yea…I’m gonna go all the way. It’s basically been a week and a half and my body feels weird as hell …
I feel like I’m getting more unstable but maybe it will be a little easier when I don’t have the withdrawal symptoms
When I quit, the withdrawal symptoms only lasted a couple of days.
Hope U go through with it all the way @anon31960475
Yes. Quitting nicotine is very hard and this kind of thing will happen to everyone but it will feel especially stressful for us.
Its also common for people to feel depressed after quitting nicotine.
Bro… I just carried like 25 grocery bags full of groceries up 3 flights of stairs and I only got a little tired compared to dead exhaustion!!! I think I have my reason to go another week
Did you go cold turkey off the nicotine?
Ive always found that extremely difficult for me. Im using nic gum and mouth spray at the moment.
One day i want to get off it completely though.
Yea I just did cold turkey… that’s how I did it the last time. If I could afford it I might have done the gum tho. Hope you get free of it too man
Thats awesome man! Your strong willed.
90% of schizophrenics smoke or vape. Must do something to help.
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