Nicknames nicknames

Share your nicknames! I still use some as my user tags.

Baby - pillsbury dough boy

Teenager - Casper

Army - Gerber baby


My co-worker when I was a park ranger used to call me
“Hoss”. I still get “big guy” sometimes.

When I was working at Sears and I shaved my head I used to wear a beanie and this guy used to yell some name at me every time he saw me. I had to ask someone what that was all about. He was yelling “Mike D.” because he thought I looked like one of the Beastie Boys.


I’m still known by some…

Huggy Bear. Pugsley/Pugs. Rogues. Depends on the person.

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when i was young boy i was:

fatlip ( due to bee stung lower lip )
and littli sam.

as i got a little older :

Mr. Sam
and fleet admiral snockums to my gal during live chat game on web… lol

my drinking buddies call me haystack…

friends from college called me jukebox because they would stuff dollar bills in my pocket and request a song and usually I could play it…

curls…my friends from high school call me that still since back then I had a blond afro…haha

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That’s a cool reason behind the nickname Jukebox.

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When I was in high school, my nickname was Co-Co.

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