Newport cigarettes

I see the filter as the fire. The paper as the spirit. I see it like that when lips touch it and when it gets lit. I know it’s not true but it came to be some years ago when I had Mary the Volkswagen

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I smoke them too.

Very expensive habit but it calms me down.

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I haven’t had one all day and it’s 7:40 pm. I still want one but I don’t feel like going outside

I haven’t had a cig in over a year thanks to this:

Mine is black though, not gold.


Now that’s fancy. Looks expensive


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I have a black one too, with a Delta 2 tank running 40 watts on a 0.5 ohm coil.

That’s the way to do it! Rock and roll!

I quit smoking for a month while on vacations but now with classes when im studying and take a break i crave a cig so hard

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thanks a lto for this info

i will purchase this at the beginning of july next time i get paid!

I wouldn’t recommend it as a starter kit. It’s sub ohm, it’s for advanced vapers only. Plus it’ll use a lot more juice, which you said you didn’t want.

I’d recommend this instead:

Innokin Coolfire IV 40w

Atomiser :
Innokin iclear30s

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First off, I’m a smoker, enjoy regular cigarettes. Smoke several different brands and other countries cigarettes. Not as good as cigars. But still good. Also admit I’m addicted to nicotine and have a pack per day habit.

Got that out of the way. I decided to try electric cigarettes. Main reason, albeit not healthy, they are less harmful then cigarettes. Also the wide variety of different flavors is appealing. Canada, well you can’t get the nicotine spiked juice here. With ordering online, was concerned with Canada customs confiscating parcels. So I went with Blu, its sold in Costco and I can buy it in bulk. Only drawback, it doesn’t deliver enough nicotine, not the same as a cigarette. I however did quit smoking for a few months. These are better then the patch for stop smoking. The patch gives a nicotine over time and its not satisfying. With the patch I just end up smoking with it on.
Now i use LMC 200W Mod, it is really a good device take from ave40, even i get a discount with 25% off, worth it!

My first ever cigarette were menthol Newports…and I chain smoked them…lol then felt terrible while trying to sleep.
I bummed them off a friend and he gave me the whole pack. Still got the cigarette pack from him somewhere in storage.

My friend is one of those people who has never had an addiction to cigarettes but chooses to use e cigs and vapes anyway, claiming that they’re harmless and only for fun. No matter what I say to get him to stop, he refuses. I enjoy reading articles like this just so I have more evidence to bring up the next time the conversation arrises.
haha… he is use this Joyetech ego aio now, and i get to get this OUMIER WASP Nano RDA oversea form ave40, a vape wholesale shop.