New Year weight loss resolution support thread

I am starting today. I went to the gym and ate Paleo for breakfast.

I will be traveling in early January so I can’t exactly eat paleo then, but as soon as I get back home I’ll be on the diet.

This thread is for support/ result sharing for anyone who wants to lose weight this coming year.


I’ll weigh myself on new years day, and then report back in February. :alarm_clock:


Am going to go on a low fat, calorie controlled diet. Weighing out all my food etc.

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What is a paleo breakfast? :lifter:

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It’s one of my resolutions to lose weight in 2017. I’ve put on ten kilos since starting medication. And I have the motivation of our wedding in May too.

Thanks for starting this thread @Nomad.

I’ll be going mostly vegetarian. Eating lots of salads and tofu through Summer. Plus I have a treadmill at home I can work out on every morning and I’ll get back into walking part way to work.


I can’t fit into my new Lamb of God band t shirt. I’m mad!!! Let’s do this!!!


in. gonna do squats and eat less

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I just drank 8 ounces of undiluted cranberry juice last night to spectacular results. I bet I weigh 5 pounds less today.

I don’t think I need to diet but if it works do it

Right now

I want in on this too. but my mom keeps cooking food and forcing me to eat it… :disappointed_relieved:

I put on 4 kilograms in two weeks of eating all the sweets that my kid got for a Christmas and New Year and some other delicious food when my mother was around.
I’m not a bad mom I just want to save him from junk food
Lol. :sob:
I need to get rid of this habit in new year.

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I’ve spent the last month gaining weight so I can post some really impressive results next month.

(I hope.)



Both I and my little dog need to lose some weight in 2017.

My dog needs to lose 8 ounces. She’s a little over 6lbs now and the vet says she has some “flub” around her midsection that she should lose.

I, on the other hand, have significantly more “flub” than my dog and it’s not solely limited to my midsection. Consequently, counting calories, eating healthier, and exercising more is a must for me in 2017!

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I’ve lost six or seven pounds in 9 days of the paleo diet


anyone still on the weight loss boat?

I lost my weight pretty much during winter, but I loss muscle mass because I’ve been focusing on running longer distances. Now I need to focus on gaining back the muscle mass for summer. I’d prefer being muscular and a little over weight than lean but not enough muscle. I find weight lifting the most psychologically beneficial, but it is harder than running/walking long distances for me, at least in the winter.

7th day sober =)

plus I am eating like 800-1000 calories a day and no appetite whatsoever.
But I am making good food.

Today I made
Chicken salad

  • avocado
  • chicken breast
  • lettuce
  • croutons
  • mayo

It was good!!


If you run/walk 5+ miles a day you’ll lose the weight.

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I’m uh, not gaining, not losing. Will worry about this after I pass my cert exam.