New poem from 2am

You can tell me

His arms round my chest
My head listening to his breath
As he pulls me close
Pauses the film
And tries so hard to look me in the eye

We shouldn’t have secrets

He’s sat with me at lunch
Laughing about girls and work
As he suddenly goes quiet
Wishes he hadn’t bought it up
And calculates the next word in his head

You know I don’t care right

He walks to lessons
Catching me in the corridor
As he sees the tears still fresh
Each one escaping down my cheek
And hopes not again

Please just be honest

He’s sitting on the sofa
Listening to my meaningless lie
As he glances to the flashes of Crimson
Little memories that lie hidden
And he prays I don’t notice

trust me

He finds my Secrets
Hearing every word but feeling none
As I pour out my soul
But it’s hard to tell
What’s already written on your arms


sounds like it is about love :slight_smile:

Glad to see you posting @Lovelybones :slight_smile:

Continue with your creative expression. That goes to tell how warrior-like your soul is :slight_smile:

Thank you guys I try I know it’s all a little cliched but I like getting it doen

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Powerful, but don’t leave yourself vulnerable to another person. He could let you down.

He’s a mystery, isn’t he?

it can be worthwhile to figure him all out.
With my man, I’m still learning.