That was quick with a new one.
Looks good!
Cool 15151… …51515
Great painting! You have a lot of talent.
why thank you @crimby I appreciate that.
Nice work @jukebox !
Really nice stuff!
nice - the flowers seem to move. They keep your attention
that’s really nice =)
@pob yes the flowers kind of shift in appearance ! thank you I wanted that affect…that you wouldn’t pull away your gaze so fast.
i love this so cool!!! awesome!!!
That’s beautiful! It seems you used just 4 colors. Sometimes keeping it simple yields wonderful results. Good job
I love it this is so strikingly beautiful
I’d buy that if I wasn’t always broke.
I like how the purple contrasts the dark-ish green. Nice painting!
oh thank you so much…the colors were sparked when I found how bright the white flowers where to the purple background and then I just added the stems…I wanted to put a ladybug on the foreground but chickened out.
Lady bug=cute.
Good decision
Most people don’t realize it but flowers usually close up at night there are some however like to Moonflower that blooms only at night this one however looks like daisies in the dark breaking a mysterious barrier is well thought out
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