New medications (cant sleep)

I seem to go two-three days in a row of not sleeping at all. I have been experiencing insomnia a lot and Im not sure why. I dont know which medication is causing it or if one is counter-acting the other.

Wellbutrin is really helping me, it is helping my mood, keeping me calm. Im on 150mgs XR once in the morning and after 3 days once in the morning and once at 2pm. But doctor said if I cant sleep to remain at once a day in the morning. Well I haven’t been sleeping, so I wont increase it yet.

I really like my non-committal mood. I dont feel as bothered by things. She told me I have generalized anxiety and some depression, that wellbutrin and valium could help stabilize me. I havent been having dizzy spells or anxiety attacks since I started the new meds three or four days ago.

My concentration is improving. I wonder if I still need Abilify. I have been taking 10mgs Abilify at night for a long time, and now it doesn’t seem as effective. Should I also ask to increase Abilify or keep it the same? She never refilled the ambien. She wanted to add a beta-blocker instead.

I have hydroxizine 25mgs as needed and valium 5mgs as needed. Valium doesn’t seem to do much, but it helps counteract any feelings of anxiety or irritable moods. I feel pretty balanced…just worried after looking it up about potential hallucinations. I feel less psychotic on it than before…Im not talking to myself…my thoughts arent racing…so i think it is working…

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I felt completely insane on Wellbutrin. I hated it. I hope you either adjust to it quickly or get to change your med. good luck!


You should discuss this with your doctor. Long term insomnia can cause serious health problems.

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I had insomnia on Wellbutrin. Its a special AD that works like a stimulant at the same time by increasing dopamine. Its mechanism of action/pharmacology is on Wikipedia. It also worsened my positive symptoms a bit at 150mg.


bupropion is a norepinephrine–dopamine reuptake inhibitor (NDRI) and antagonist of several nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.

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I take Wellbutrin at 8:30 am 150mg XR and Zyprexa 10mg the first week I woke up a lot at night but I could sleep. It worsed a little bit my positive symptoms and my memory.


I think I am starting to adjust to it better. I have no positive symptoms or mania. One thing is I have been more impulsive and irritable. I spent all my money that I was saving. But I want to continue taking wellbutrin. I have no anxiety so thats really an improvement. My paranoia has been almost non-existent too. Im going to give it more time to work.

So right now I take it in the morning 150mgs xr, then I have two PRN’s and I take Abilify 10mgs at night.

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Its also making it so I no longer am enjoying smoking cigarettes. Yay!!! I dont want to smoke anymore!!! Ready to throw them all away!!

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