New Med On the Market

Have you heard of the new med for schizophrenia? It’s wonderful. It doesn’t cause weight gain, or make you insulin resistant. In fact you may lose weight as you reach middle age. The only side effect is that you can sound like many different type of people. The voices become your best friends and lovers (feels and looks like the real thing), only talk as long as you want them too, and even talks about themselves and their families without lying. They also tell you insightful things about science, real World solutions to real World problems, how to be an effective leader, and even gives you accurate lottery number. The drug only costs a half-penny a pill and is called Yeahbuddyitdoesnotexist.


Cute… as I admitted on here I’m in the sweet spot and waves of kindness are lapping my ship for once. Most “dots” I currently identify make me feel ‘good’ toward myself.

I wish I could extract/ and reverse engineer this more often and identify how exactly I got here - so I could save it for a rainy day. And help others do the same.

To put a fine point on it, I thought I saw some of my influence in your ‘share’ here, but I don’t want to detract either from the creativity, resentment is a huge topic rehearsed a lot in A.A. and I think that’s what makes people hit the bottle.

I’ll never stop introversion though. I think about Mother Theresa who was kind/but maybe she was running from something, distancing herself from negative emotions she had internally. And at the same time maybe someone like Atilla the Hun was more consistent in heart, mind, and “soul”. And should be dug up more and discussed more.

That last paragraph is an example of thinking too much and struggling to live in the present. But the “pain” could be nourishing somehow to another, and thus have a semblance of a reason for happening to me.

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Look, I’m sorry if I detracted and borrowed some limelight from you. I’ll cut the crap on your thread specifically to reiterate respect.

Rightly or wrongly I miss the poster @Alice and did draw a “negative dot” when someone uttered the word “spooked”. The guilty conscience I have with THAT word is telling.

A lot of Sz paranoia is trying to get “in front” of thoughts that you think are already out, and making things worse. My therapist taught me the word “quick sand” and that’s part of my mental lexicon to make me feel better. It showed he was listening to me and “gets me” at any rate.

Our commonality though is health issues, and (not so much) a need to be amused(if I’m even achieving that).

Guilt makes a person talk; but trying to prove innocence does the same thing.

That sentence shows thoughtfulness, and I’m currently of the standpoint that, THAT - is certainly appropriate and enough.

For my meds, I was a prolific poster while trying Abilify. However I posted ZERO while on Haldol. And again now I enjoy posting while on Vraylar.

lol @Blizzard, this drug would be the one to finally change schizophrenia into the new glamorous mental illness all the celebrities claim to have. Move over, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, there’s a new sheriff in town!


I can do a lot right now… I can provoke people into discussion. I mean you used the word ‘wonderful’ and that feeds/ and I’m allowed to ‘like’ that in a strictly “love myself more” sense. Alice said it but she had established context. (With wonderland, duh).

Segue here but havjng abuse in your “portfolio” or “narrative” seems almost like the “rule” here - instead of the “exception.”

Omitting thoughts is maybe all I’ve ever known, there IS such a thing as emotional abuse. I forgive my Dad, bc we have problems going back generations. He had it FAR worse. And he’s a SICK provider for me with physical needs like food and shelter.

@Pikasaur I’ll pose you some “attention”. Did I upset your apple cart somewhere along the way? I never forgot you said men and women are essentially the same.

Sbar with me; joust more; maybe I’m the real deal, and can build you up more, long term.

I don’t like feeling like I’m bad for some groups and as though no one will debate me bc I’m bright.

Men biologically want a lot of children. Women have their hands tied more. Could THAT somehow explain why more Sz women achieve marriage? ( I hope you can see I’m not being aggressive).

I don’t remember us having that discussion. I don’t even recognise your username :sweat_smile:

Thanks for the acknowledgment.

I’m Dollar Menu. I’m going to give you a ‘mulligan’ here bc I’m much older…

But my ‘connection’ with you is always lost.

I mean there was nothing here that made you think of anything else?

I know you used to be dollar menu, but even then, your username was foreign to me.
I’m sorry, my memory is shite, quite frankly.
I don’t ever remember us interacting. We probably have, but there are so many interactions I can’t keep track of them

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I meant it when I said I’d be fair. I never look back at histories. And heck in the modern world perhaps the record reflects that somewhere.

Just saying with your youth I just think maybe you fall victim to “ pride” about seniority a little bit too much. I’ll grant you it’s not nothing, there is something to it, but with you I feel like it’s a missed opportunity.

Maybe it’s on me. And I really like that you’re experiencing Greece. I definitely don’t want to keep you from living in the present moment.

Maybe as a happy accident my perception will change. I just have a ton to say!!

I don’t understand what you mean… Pride over seniority?
Sure, if a 16-year old claims to know more about life than me I’ll tell them what’s what, but I don’t necessarily think older is better

I really just “can’t” with you, in every way.

But maybe you’re a foil for a good connection.

Still I won’t give up on you completely… I mean you confirm receipt of my messages.

Norms don’t even offer that - at least that’s my feeling.

Look I’m sorry, perhaps my thought process flew over you. (And frankly maybe I’m threatened by you, lol.)

With women’s rights and the march for equality I may have mixed it up with people in the real world (twice). And twice they asked me “what are you so afraid of”… which felt curious because it was the same exact wording.

If I liken myself as a teacher though, which I did do yesterday I shouldn’t give you loose ends especially if you’re on vacation. But if you happen to feel compelled, maybe say something back. (I might be “rah-rah” the masculine; but we’re not fully in control of our histories.)

I’m sorry, your grammar and choice of words makes it hard for me to follow what you’re saying :confused:

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Ok maybe that’s fair

Ask your doctor about Yeahbuddyitdoesnotexist today!

Hold up a sec…

because it previously registered with me that someone from Denmark viewed my Blog once.

And if that were the case, we might get to negate everything that you said on this thread.

I see words like being “brushed off” and I think that’s it’s about this thread as well.

I still actually think I’m older and wiser, I mean at least I keep hearts and minds in my priority’s. Maybe that concept makes you an enigma.

But bc I cant resist:

what exactly are you learning in Greece?

And do you even understand that barb?

I’ve never been to Greece, my ancestors come from Laz by the Black Sea. My father went to Greece at some point and everybody wanted to know where he learned Greek. We are both ancient. I think I know who you are so I won’t embarrass you, a U.S. puppet master, so they say. The best way to fight is simply to walk. The best way to divine is simply to listen. Unfortunately I keep exploding with rage at simpletons who should know better. Thank you.

You made more sense here than you have in the past.

I don’t think you know me, but if you do I also don’t think it’s that embarrassing.

I have never viewed your blog, but I know there are other danish users here.
I swear I am not trying to brush you off.

In greece, I am training to be a costumer support agent for Norton