Well the unimaginable happened. People are gonna say this was an irrational decision and yada yada, but I’ve been having these reoccurring dreams that I was back to working full time on a horse farm. Every morning I wake up disappointed that it’s not my reality. After all I lost my last farm position back July 2018 so it’s been a while. But these dreams have been plaguing me and my every thought so I decided I would start looking for a horse farm job again. I did not expect things to happen this suddenly, but they did! I interviewed for the position tonight and she said I could have the job if I wanted it. With one catch, she’s not going to hold the position for me. I have to move down there in two weeks. The compensation is quite good for the line of work it is, $1200 a month plus room and board included. Many positions like this don’t pay anything and they only give you your room and board so this is actually doable. I’m young and single, I feel as though I should scoop up this opportunity with open arms and take the plunge. I have until tomorrow to decide.
Whatever you decide I wish you luck. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me.
How far exactly will you be moving? Will you still have a support network there?
Its about 700 miles south of where I am now. I have no family down there at all, but my parents vacation there about 4 times a year so I’d be able to see them during that
I think a support system is important, but I don’t know your circumstances.
For myself I refuse to leave where my family are because I have them around and we help each other and my mother especially keeps me on track with meds etc.
How much time do you spend with family? Are they a good support for you?
Congrats @Hanna_Foxx!
My family is a big support to me, at my last farm job I was 2000 miles away from family and that was tough, and I don’t think I was prepared for it. But this time I know my limits
You never know till you try. Wish you all the best with it. Sounds like your enthusiasm will carry you forward with it…just keep up on the meds etc and keep the stress low.
Ah ok! Well I wish you luck with it.
Let us know how you’re getting on
The good news is I will qualify for state medicaid still so my meds and doctors appointments will be covered at least at no cost they even cover therapy so I can keep up with weekly therapy sessions to keep my mental health going well
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