New here- I'm happy to see that I'm not alone. "I already knew that" haha

Hello everyone I’m kinda new here to the forums, seems like a great website to research certain things pertaining to mental illness. So ill kinda introduce a little about my self then you all can just click my profile to read my biography or what ever, so i was diagnosed with schizophrenia (well managed) at the age of 13 and i am currently 17 at the moment, and i am on abilify… I love working with technology, etc and i also own a blog where i blog every Tuesday about certain things such as my life and how to cope with schizophrenia and ways i can help people with schizophrenia or any other mental illness or non mental illness or what ever, this is my blog, yeah so like i said if you all want to know a little more about me just visit my page, thank you for reading :slight_smile:.



Thank you :sunglasses:

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Welcome aboard @jjw17! :slight_smile:

Thank you haha :sunglasses: :smiley:

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Welcome :smile:


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welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

Welcome jjw17. I also have a blog. Go to I will look you up.

Thank you and i will be sure to check out your blog as well, thanks again for being the first to comment on my blog. :sunglasses:

You’re welcome!

hey, welcome. I was 22 when I was hit with schizoaffective disorder but I had ptsd already. I’m sorry it affected you at such a young age.

Yeah that’s what most people say, how did i get it so young?, it could be from a stress overload or i must have had it ever since i was in my mom stomach because they say it starts in your mom stomach and the most sad thing about it is that it is unnoticeable until it is trigger i believe mine was triggered due to what i said above. I’m also sorry that it affected you at 22 that is also young i’m sorry that it affected everyone here on the website at a young age and on the forums and any other mental illness. Thank you for welcoming me to this great website and forums. :slight_smile: