New Here at this website

I was diagnosed in 1978 with Schizophrenia destroying most of my life. Somehow I have kept going and am now married and celebrating 20 years at my job. I have a hobby, play piano, read science-fiction, and like listening to music. I found this website and have been following it for a while. Maybe I can post something that will help someone from my experience. Otherwise I will just keep reading on.


Welcome to the forum. Its great here. Look forward to reading your posts

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Hi Breeze welcome to the forum.

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Hi, Ty for reaching out. Congrats on the success.

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Hi and welcome :slight_smile:

hi… :sunny:
take care :alien:

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Wow piano… Impressive!

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Welcome! You manege very good, family, job and hobbies! Looking forward to your wise words om how to find the tricky way to recovery. :slight_smile:

Married and with a job = high-functioning & commendable. I’ve only had this since Autumn of 2012 and still am trying to recover from the deepest pits of desparity I was thrown into. It’s a long-road out of hell, but it’s getting better.

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Welcome! I always look forward to reading posts by someone who can manage job, family, and other responsibility ties! It gives me insight into what I’m looking for.

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Here is my tune. This song is a milestone in my work because I finally got a good cut of drums thru to vocals and all after years of trying!

Welcome to the forum. Congratulations for your successes in spite of the illness.
Post! Don’t just read.

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