New art piece

We all fail sometimes, we break down and cry our eyes out until they are dry, we give up, and we feel like the world is out to get us at times and in these moments all we really want is for someone to catch us and hold us in their arms and tell us everything will be okay

The dots in the background represent various time machines because a lot of us wonder how we even started falling in the first place and we want to go back in time to our younger self and just hug them telling ur younger self you will catch them if they fall while running or playing hopscotch


Looks nice. I like it. Good job :rat::rat::rat:


Thank you so much :slight_smile:


I love this. The design itself is beautiful and fits together very nicely. I applaud you on the hands. I very much struggle when trying to draw hands. I also love the meaning behind this. It has a powerful message that I believe is universal. Really cool.


Nice work @sweetmango.

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Thank you so much and I actually struggle a lot with the hands but I tried my best. Iā€™m glad it came out well and that you like it :slight_smile:. Also if you have any drawings I would love to see them.

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Thank you so much :slight_smile:

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