Hi, Im not sure how this forum works, normally there is a place where one can introduce themselves, but I cant see it here. The tutorial bot gives me anxiety because I cant get its steps right so maybe I missed some things there. In any case, I guess I’ll just start typing here and see what happens.
I am not diagnosed with schizophrenia, but I have been hiding symptoms related to psychosis and delusions for a long time for fear of being admitted, and in hope that it is not that bad, but lately things have escalated, and Ive become aware that something is a bit wrong with me.
Lately I have experienced episodes of reduced control of myself, going into a kind of mental haze where I become an observer, an almost out of body experience. I have regular moments of epiphany, where secret or hidden things, or intellectual things suddenly make sense. I have had auditory halucinations of a buzzing noize that lasts a few minutes. I have heard a shadow speak to me and tell me to write down a ‘prophesy’. And here lies the problem; all these things are continuing because they present under a religious theme, where many people accept abnormal things as divine action or intervention, so Im stuck not knowing (or wanting to know) that I have a problem.
What has made me aware of this issue is my interactions on other forums. I do fine interacting normally with others, but as time goes on and I start to open up (be more honest) I can tell by their responses that my views and understanding of the world is skewed and unrealistic. It lasts longer on religious type forums, for the reason I mentioned, but even there my views start to cross lines not even they can tolerate, and I end up burning bridges.
The main reason Im here I guess, is that I’m lonely. I can’t be myself and have meaningful connections with others, since I am not normal it seems. I am not a danger to myself or others, and I fear admission to a mental health facility, I’ve isolated myself from people and family and have been alone for years now, trying to figure out what the hell is going on. But in the end, I’m alone, even the god that visits me in moments of delusion doesnt stick around. I’m nothing, I’m irrelevant; a scream in a storm.
So here I am on another forum, desperately grasping at my sanity as I slip into the void. Maybe its where I belong, where I was destined to be. I have lost perspective.