#Never Forget?

Love this quote.
The only people who helped me in my difficult time - as much as they could - were: my Dad, sister, brother in law, brother and just one friend - Out of 50 friends I had. #difficult times show true character of the people around you - but unfortunately - Most were ugly. Still think you are ill with schizophrenia? Think of the ugliness of the world even in the s- cold - educated class . .


lovely share …!!


My parents, two of my friends, thats it as far as people that actually ended up caring


Edited…to not be funny…


This is a bit of a sore point for me, as nobody was there for me. (plays violin)


is this supposed to be funny? :hushed:

Yes…I could not resist…but if it upsets you I will edit it…

I don’t really care but can not see a purpose

No point at all just random…

some of my family members know and I’ve broadcasted it many times on twitter and fb, but my mom has been the only one that showed compassion and care because I live with her, but it’s like no one wants to understand what I’m going through and what I went through and why it happens. I’ve no real friends either. Boyfriend just left because he thinks schizophrenia is a made up thing, meds shouldn’t be taken, he thinks voices are my imagination and demons and that Jesus will heal and he hasn’t healed me because I don’t believe enough :confused: :frowning: smh
on top of all that, I walked out of my job the second day on because I was hearing everyone’s voice talking to me and they got so persecutor =y that I had to excuse myself crying and turned my badge in. My emplyer was going to give me a second chance(i told him i have schizophrenia and I need short time (a week) to get stable on my meds), but my temp agency chose to move forward with other candidates.

Yes, I need therapy. It’s in the works now…