Nerdy trivia


You’re correct. But what is the answer to the question?


I think I know this but not sure if it is in km. but is the answer 186,000?



Correct! 186,500 MPS


I remember the 8 minutes thing because of a song lyric,

'Takes photon power
And 8 minutes of an hour
To reach our sun

Now I know it sounds weird
But it takes 4 years
To reach the next one’


What is 3 to the 3rd power minus 27?

Is it 0 ? (151515)



You are correct. Good job!

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What word describes the overwhelming impulse to stare into people’s windows as you are walking past?

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Is the word “urge”?

Nope, there’s an actual word for the urge or desire to look in people’s windows… (This might be cheating a little, it’s a sort of ‘urban dictionary’ word… :wink:


Is it voyeur?

I’ll be away for a awhile.

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Nope :wink: Ok, yeah that is a valid word, but not the one I’m thinking of…

thread’s like Jeopardy

but with google.

How many unique lines can a 20-line pantoum have?

I’ll share one if anyone knows…




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A1   Your fruits ripened Thanksgiving air,
B1   When some young dog caressed your lap.
A2   A man found his beast in your care
B2   Where it did dance with whistle and tap.

B1   When some young dog caressed your lap,
C1   He offered to cook a gracious meal
B2   Where it did dance with whistle and tap;
C2   From his hands, plates of food did appeal.

C1   He offered to cook a gracious meal
D1   And at his table, dressed gold round your neck.
C2   From his hands, plates of food did appeal
D2   When then the dog did cry a wreck.

D1   And at the table, dressed gold round your neck,
E1   Your petting palm did lull the canine
D2   When then the dog did cry a wreck.
E2   “Vinedresser, bless your heart of wine!”

E1   Your petting palm did lull the canine;
A2   A man found his beast in your care:
E2   "Vinedresser, bless your heart of wine!"
A1   Your fruits ripened Thanksgiving air.

count quick, before :triangular_flag_on_post:s!

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16? Was I correct?

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For the mathematicians:

15-3X4(5+7) divided by 6+4=

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What is equal to?


I believe the answer is 1.


How do you make a Borg laugh?

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