the house that is adjacent to mine has a family that is pretty much always yelling at each other or getting into fights with people plus they have a target on them because they got robbed last week. the woman in particular doesn’t like me bcuz she was friends with my ex and he was kind of a checklist of traits for malignant narcissists with no good words about me, so she’s always throwing me dirty looks. That neighbor lady’s brothers have gotten into fights with her bf and random people when they lived there too. the bf living there has been in trouble with cops a lot and is always trying to be in my business, too, like coming to see who is parked by my house.
anyways, end rant lol.
Yeah, you can choose your friends but not your neighbors.
Please stay safe amiga.
MY neighbors are pretty good, one I never see, he likes to be left alone
Sorry you got a set of bad ones
I have also lived next door to neighbours who were unbelievable. They used to yell and scream at each other. And they had a toddler also, so he’d start crying. Arrggg!
I don’t like people who yell all the time, I once picked up some stuff at a woman’s place, as I walked up to the door I could hear her yelling, I knocked and then started loading stuff, then she started her yelling thing with me, I told her calmly to stop the yelling or she could get someone else to deal with her stuff
She stopped yelling at me, but when I left i was out in my truck and I could hear her yelling at who ever was in the house
All I really know about mine upstairs is that she likes to run her vacuum at 1 am and she’s a screamer during regular booty calls. She quieted down for a week or two after she was shouting “WRONG HOLE!” at her dude and we all started howling with laughter downstairs. Think she heard that.
ngl i run my vacuum at all hours of the day now that i finally got a replacement lol. they prob also hate my music which runs 24/7. ive been more on a vampire schedule lately, too, so my most active hours are like 12 pm-4 am lol.
That’s when I’d like to be active, but I’ve got this stupid day job that requires me to sleep…
good on you for holding a day job tho! i have been having inconsistent pt dayjobs and it’s a pain having to go from that vampire schedule to one where i wake up like a normal human lol. in between jobs again, so im not looking forward to the change back to normal human hours
Necessary evil as my winning lottery ticket number picking skills are obviously deficient.
So is my ability to purchase said ticket, which also turns out to be necessary.
i mean you are lucky you are able to navigate society successfully enough to maintain steady employment, unlike many of us skitzes. majority of us are under or unemployed, despite our abilities, many employers will not accommodate anyone with lapses in their employment that are the result of long term serious skizzziness.
If you mean slink around the edge successfully, absolutely.
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