Negative Symptoms Over Time

I have been having issues with negative symptoms lately which seem to be progressing worse. I have done a little research and have found that schizophrenia typically gets better over time as one ages but I think positive symptoms are what are being referred to.

I was wanting to know if your negative symptoms have gotten better or worse over time.

I don’t care about positive symptoms for this, just the negative symptoms.


I’m getting worse constantly. Every day I am worse, constantly deteriorating.
Both positives and negatives.
Negatives come in waves.
Now, at this period, they are severe.

Hang in there @Om_Sadasiva , hopefully we both aren’t going to get worse.


Who knows, my friend. It’s not up to us.


I feel sorry for u guys.

I feel better without meds wish u could feel the same

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I’m sure I have more than I’d care to admit

or even realize

to me, I’m fine on what I’m taking.

Maybe it’s temporary.if you stay without meds for long you will see the consequences.
Did you taper off?

Yea I was on low doses…

10 mg zyprexa and 10 mg lexapro I just stopped them both

My negatives have gotten better. Thank God. I was living a constant nightmare, not being able to tend to my personal life at all. It turns out I was taking too much AP and using negative thought patterns, which fortunately CBT has helped me break. Now I am ok-ish, I am able to work part time, take 3 showers a week and brush my teeth daily (with some exceptions).


If I ever need to taper off these high doses, I should do it in months, I guess.
Did you have your pdoc’s approval?

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you’ve been openly talking about quitting your meds

I bet your doc never supported this

I don’t get your thinking


Quitting meds is a very dangerous bet. First you need pdoc’s approval. Should taper off slowly. Then you need to be monitored by trustworthy people like family or close friends. If they notice something weird in your behavior please see your pdoc asap.

So what I can do whatever the hell I want

true, it’s good to have an outside perspective just in case something goes south and your not aware of it though. for safety reasons.

after all, that kind of mentality can be misleading even if i might understand where your coming from. i’m sure Daze has good intentions in mind.

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my negative symptoms fluctuate over time - get better then get worse and so on. Avolition is a constant struggle though


I guess my negative symptoms may fluctuate too, it just seems like lately they have been getting worse.

I find that there is no point in talking or thinking about negative symptoms. The pdoc’s are at a loss as to what to do about them so, they do nothing about them. And yes, negative symptoms do fluctuate from better to worse to better again over time.

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They’ve gotten better with Vraylar and supplements like sarcosine. My diagnosis went from sz/sza fo bipolar though.

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Sorry you are not feeling okay. :frowning:

I don’t really know which are the negatives and which are other symptoms. Some things got worse for me - cognitive and executive functions, avolition, fatigue. Some things got better - anhedonia, depression, attention/being present. I’m not a zombie anymore since finding a better dose of meds 1.5 years ago, which I’m thankful for every day, but I feel like an old lady (tired, forgetful).

I am curious if anyone new has anything to add to this. I am also wondering how @anon97118089 is doing.