Negative Symptoms in Schizophrenia: A Review and Clinical Guide for

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Negative symptoms commonly appear during the prodromal phase of schizophrenia and before the first acute psychotic episode (Figure 2). Among patients with negative symptoms , 73% had them before the onset of positive symptoms and 20% experienced them within the same month as positive symptoms

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I don’t know how much of negative symptoms are actually physiological, and how much is simply psychological in nature.

I dunno, maybe I’m just ignorant on the matter, but perhaps setting small goals can help chip away at some negative symptoms.

Like for example, “I will watch TV, but I’m going to try to use a recumbent bike during the commercials.”

Personally, I’m not sure if what I’ve experienced in the past was negative symptoms or severe depression, but either way, it wasn’t fun.

…Very difficult times.

I will say that being on the right medications has helped me greatly.

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Were you diagnosed with depression? For me I know its not depression, I was never diagnosed with depression.


I have Schizoaffective-Depressive type.

Basically just trying to understand if negative symptoms are equatable to severe depression.

For example, it was really hard to even watch TV-- I was staring at the screen but not paying attention. I didn’t do anything except lay on the couch.

I dunno if this was severe depression, or negative symptoms.

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Oh ok yea makes sense. I have regular schizophrenia so no depression but have lots of negative symptoms.

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What is the difference between something like severe depression and negative symptoms?

Asking so I can better inform myself.

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When I was about 21 I went to a psychiatrist, and was complaining about what was basically negative symptoms. They misdiagnosed me with depression.

So it’s obviously difficult to tell the difference…


Its hard to tell but I read that with depression you feel hopeless or sad and have negative thoughts about yourself maybe suicidal in extreme cases while in negative symptoms its always having no emotions and feeling flat with no energy. Maybe in depression its negative energy while in negative symptoms its purely no energy.


Thankfully all my psychiatrists were right, no one tried to diagnose me with depression. The last one said that I have to learn to live with my negative symptoms and try to be happy.


I suffered few years with depression and now I am without depression. When depressed I usually feel half tired half energetic with absurd amount of anxiety and self pity. I was even feeling low mood while on flat mood. That i am no longer depressed I just feel sluggish, no anxiety ot bad thoughts and flatness is real

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Clozapine knocks out my positives and delusions but I feel down and awful a lot of the time. Time to ask my doctor regarding a possible depression component to my sz?


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