Negative symptoms/Avolition - Let's fight it together thread

Good job Minnii! :smile_cat:

Wild clutter appeared!
Go Minnii!
Minnii used clean shelf. Itā€™s super effective!

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Lol :blush:

Call now and get another one free

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Do you guys mind if I join in? I donā€™t usually have negative symptoms, but being sick is making me hate doing things. I need extra motivation and accountability. I just made myself clean my car. Now I have to put away the piles of clothes and books that were in the car. I also have to cook dinner. Eventually, I have to wash my clothes before work on Sunday.

Youā€™re more than welcome. I canā€™t sleep right now. But tomorrow Iā€™ll have to clear the car and put stuff in storage. Maybe tidy up the storage room as well.

Been super De motivated lately. I think a bit of anedonia as well. Everything seems pointless or not exciting.
But again once I get around to actually doing something I do get enjoyment out of it.
I could easily just sit around staring at a wall if I didnā€™t have work to do.

I frigging hate negative symptoms.

Okay, I need to do my laundry. Who else has a chore to trade?

Iā€™m taking a bath than

Deal :+1:t4:

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Okay, laundry has been started! I should also put the rest of my clothes in either the closet or hamper, and wash the dishes, but I donā€™t know if I can handle that right now. Maybe in a couple hours.

I have to cook dinner in an hour, are you capable of doing it then?

Yeah. In an hour I will do the dishes. :weary:

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I havenā€™t dusted or vacuumed in two weeks. Today has to be the day. Iā€™m going to have ramen for lunch first. Also, laundry. Iā€™ll put a load of laundry in, have lunch and start dusting. Iā€™ll listen to music while I dust.

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Okay @Minnii. The time has come. Should I do dishes, or put my clothes away?

You should do both, what do you feel you should do? Maybe the dishes first, see if you have the energy for the clothes

I think youā€™re right. We need forks to eat with tonight. If my clothes stay on the floor one more day, nothing bad will happen.

I compromised. I filled and ran the dishwasher, then put away my clothes. I donā€™t think I can handle standing at the sink to hand wash the pans right now.

Thatā€™s a job almost done but good anyway! Dishwashers are saviors :smile:

Three weeks later and floors are done. Donā€™t judge me!

Up for a chore exchange if anyoneā€™s interested this weekend. Iā€™ve got a bathroom that needs cleaning in particular up for grabs.

I need to pick up dog turds from the back yard.

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Sounds like a deal. I clean my bathroom, you get the dog turds.