Alpha 1 adrenergic antagonism (blocking) can cause priapism (prolonged erection), an increased blood flow to the genitals. Drugs known to cause this include trazodone, quetiapine, chlorpromazine, aripiprazole, risperidone and paliperidone. I have been on all but chlorpromazine, and have found all decrease negative symptoms for me to some degree. Causes increase in blood flow to parts of the brain that are deficient in causing negatives? I don’t know, and am not trying to peddle false hope, but in my individual case, I reasearched this link in real world experience and found it to be helpful. Take it as intended: it worked for me.
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I’m on aripiprazole, was on risperidone before. None helped with my negatives, nor did they give me a boner lol.
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Sorry @Andrey, didn’t mean to insinuate that they WILL reduce negs, but that I found it to be true, so it may be worth a shot for others. Maybe genetically I predisposed to fall into that category, it’s all guesswork. If the brightest minds in the field are lost on the subject, who am I? But I found a ray of hope for my avolition and anhedonia.