Negative depressive thoughts

I have train of thoughts, mostly about past events, mistakes, full of shame and guilt, and i cant stop them… they are from the first minute awake, till i go to sleep… how do you deal with negative thoughts?

Sounds like you have a lot of regrets. I do all the time. This morning I was thinking how proud I’d be if I had worked these past twenty years and how I had a couple brief jobs at plant nurseries. I won’t go into all my regrets, they are about missed opportunities and my manhood. I didn’t know what I was in for when I chose mental illness and I never chose to be a drug addict. I was uninformed about so much of life! Schizophrenia runs in my family. I know I would have gotten it later on. I was a religious fanatic waiting to happen. I wish I knew how to not make it emotionalism. Maybe you can’t. I don’t even know if I have any belief in God at all anymore.

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I just let them pass by and don’t dwell on them. Instead I try to focus on the things I’m grateful for. I also exercise and take an antidepressant. Very important! If you feel down, you need to get out and moving.

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