Need writing help. I need to choose between storylines

I wrote a book where a woman falls in love with an sz. They are happy together until a guy from her high school shows up. The sz husband thinks she loves this guy more than she loves him so he kills himself. She marries the new guy because he’s there for her but she doesn’t love him. They later divorce.

The problem is that I have two new stories going and I feel like they’re too much like the first book.

One where the devil bets a f*ckboy that he can’t get this certain upright girl to marry him with his reputation. f boy takes the bet, but he slowly starts to fall in love with a plain looking girl. He sacrifies his soul and proposes to her. Turns out she had her own bet with the devil that she could seduce him. She ditches him.

The other is an man with an inferiority complex who feels like he has to impress beautiful women to feel a sense of self worth. He falls in love with an MI woman (haven’t decided what MI) and he treats her like a doll (does everything for her, even chooses her clothing because he’s that obsessed with taking care of her. Like a doll fetish) she eventually gets on meds (or something else I’m not sure of) and becomes independent. This one is inspired by “The Dollhouse”.

I don’t think they’re too similar at all. The devil bet has pretty much nothing to do with the other two and it seems the doll one the only similarity with the first story is mental illness. I think you’re fine to write both!

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I don’t like the doll house one. how does this sound, two people who don’t speak the same language falling in love after the guy saves her life. and them doing things that don’t require languages together like watching sports, playing sports, watching adult movies, working loading trucks together, making art, cooking, playing music, gambling, sex, eating, silent movies, etcetera?

Weird conception of women
They either cause death

Or need to be treated like playthings


How did your father treat your mother?

I think middle school put that warped image in my mind. My dad’s a straight up @hole but my mom will put him in his place if he goes too far.

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My men are typically strong enough to handle a strong woman

In my writing

Always liked George Thurgood

And these guys

The man with the inferiority complex is much more interesting to me because I find it more realistic.

BTW, what is a f*ckboy?

Are you writing the dollhouse story about @Sarad ?

I’m assuming a f*ckboy (since no one else has responded) is a man that’s used as a sex toy for a woman, but nothing else…as in no romantic interest.

Please correct me, anyone, if this isn’t right.

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@kindness Csummers got it right but missed an important detail. F*ckboys like to string along women and use them for sex before emotionally and physically abandoning them.

*Edit: I misread you Csummers. It’s the woman who is the sex toy.

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choose the storyline with the most conflicts.

I don’t think so. Why?