Need to look forward -- not back

i for one need to stop it with memories and look forward with hope.

setting up too many goals without a good plan of action doesn’t work for me.

i think i am going to talk it over with my therapist – how to get to where i want to go.

judy :smiley: :laughing: :blush: :rofl: :joy: :star_struck:


Yeah wish you well but living a structured life really does help me with sz.

Take meds same time everyday. Set an alarm and get used to get up same time everyday. It doesn’t get boring because I keep active and put that into everyday too but structure really does help.

You can still do random things…You just add them into the mix too so do random things too but just do them every 5 days so that random day when it happens isn’t so random :slight_smile:

hang in there and yes. Move on!


That’s what I am doing and my quality of life has improved as a result !!


thanks andrey for the encouragement and inspiration. i hope my therapist can help me.



roguetwo, i am always afraid i am so structured that i am ocd. can that be true?


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