So- I don’t really want to post a photo of my baby on social media when she’s born… I don’t want her whole life to be on the internet.
I am thinking about posting a status being like “if you’d like to know when baby is born (when the day comes) message me your phone number! I don’t plan on posting her photo here”
It’s more like I don’t want Facebook or Instagram to have a photo of her…
cause don’t they keep track of like everything?
Idk, maybe I’m over thinking it lol.
Maybe you could announce her safe arrival, and put her weight and time of birth if that feels meaningful to you? And then make a statement about the picture with the friends and family filter on.
I’m totally with you on not wanting to plaster kids all over fb etc, but I’m wondering if you may feel different on the day she arrives?
I strongly agree. Let the baby have his/her little life for a while, you and the baby enjoy each other, the world doesn’t have to be invited to every inch of your life