Need help?

I moved across the country a couple months ago and thought my head would clear up. It’s not clearing up and I don’t really know what to do. I have been diagnose with a lot of things in the past, but didn’t believe them. And now I’m not as crazy as I was, but can’t get my head back to normal. I can’t really focus or get work done, so I don’t have a job. I don’t even know if I could get a job, because it’s too hard to talk to people I don’t know. I was on meds but I haven’t been for a long time. I don’t have an insurance or anything.
I might be schizophrenic or something else. I just need to know what the problem is so I can try and get myself sorted out. I’m kind of clear now. I’m really clear compared to the past, but just can’t get my brain to work.
Can someone here help?

What are you doing for money?

i had unemployment. but that ran out. I’m living with/off a friend now.

The pressure of needing money is a lot of the cause of mental anxiety. So is your friend feeling the pinch or is she/he able to be generous?

friend is fine, but I don’t know what to do to move forward.

I would just mark time until you get adjusted to your new environment. (Mark time is a band expression for marching in place, not going anywhere.) Take baby steps - help around the house, then move out into the outside world. Do you have transportation?

I don’t have transportation. I live in a somewhat urban area and I walk when I have to.

Mental illness is so much a matter of not wanting to do stuff that normies do. I remember trying to get help quitting smoking and my helper finally said, being quite exasperated, “Why don’t you wait until you WANT to quit smoking before you ask for help.” So now I am asking you what do you want? Because when I finally did quit smoking, I didn’t even need any advisor, I only became convinced it was possible, that I could do it and wanted to do it. So I did it. Now, what is it you really want?