Need help from Someone in England / the UK - send me an email with App please

Hi - could someone please download the following app (not available to people outside the UK) and email the file to me at

I want to check out the app, but can’t download it myself very easily:

Once you download (don’t install it, just download it ) just email as an attachment the Silver Linings APK file.

@firemonkey is this something you could try to do? I know you don’t have a smartphone - but I think you can just download the file to your computer. I may be wrong though.


I got “You don’t have any devices” and when I clicked on that a page saying " Error: You haven’t accessed the Google Play Store app on your device with this email account

This error can appear when you’re trying to install an Android app on:

your computer (including Chromebooks)
an Android mobile device that isn't linked to your Google Account
a non-compatible device "

Thanks for your effort! It sounds like you can’t do it.

Does anyone else live in the UK - and have an Android smartphone - and can download this app for me?

Can’t find it in app store

WHat happens when you click on the link up in my first message?

Are you in the UK?

I was trying to download it but no success
Yes I am

Thanks for your effort. Did you get some kind of error message or something?

Well, I pressed many times on the install button and it didn’t do anything

Are you accessing it from your phone or from your computer?

From phone do you want me to try access it from my computer too?

Ah - don’t worry about it right now. I’m going to try to get it from the company that developed it - that seems to be easier.

Thanks for trying!

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Here you go @SzAdmin : Silver Linings Appadoodle

when will the app be coming out @SzAdmin? lol

This site works like an app on the phone, I think it’s fine the way it is. It’s already a lot of work to keep it running, I’m sure.

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yeah i know but i’m talking about a brain training type app as admin described

Oh yeah, that would be cool. Didn’t know that.

i’d like to know why @SzAdmin is researching these apps tbh, is this something that we could look forward to in the future, to be advertised on this site or available from this site?

We’ll see - nothing to report yet.

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Awesome! Thanks so much. Really appreciate it. Exactly what I needed!!