A very dear friend of mine is in crisis right now on the east coast and only trusts me to talk about it. I’m fairly certain he’s psychotic right now, and the local hospital did not admit him even though he explained he’s suicidal too because their so full I’m assuming. I’m trying to figure out how to encourage him to get help right now when he’s already been denied. The situation is terrible, the wife left him with their new baby and he is isolated alone in his house, doesn’t trust anyone but me all the way in Texas and is alone with nothing but his thoughts. What should I do???
Maybe call him and hear him
What symptoms is he having? I’d encourage him to look for a psychiatrist tomorrow.
Unfortunately it’s a bad time to be a psych patient, they are even dumping psych patients out of hospitals onto the streets to make room for covid people.
Definitely encourage him to set up an appointment with a pdoc and therapist. If you feel the baby is unsafe at any point PLEASE call CPS or at least tell him he can seek out a social worker for some extra help in that area.
Trust Can Be a Very Elusive Creature.
A Great Day Filled With Unexpected Pure Fun And Peaceful, Great Opportunities Can Be Sliced And Removed Very Suddenly.
One Way to Receive The Gift of Trust is to Listen.
And Watch Out For Spoken Words That Could Lead to a Dangerous Pathe From The Victim.
If You Can, Keep it Light, And Keep it Moving.
One Friend Can Change Everything.
For a Lifetime… . …
We spoke about an hour yesterday, I’ve tried to reach him today. Hopefully he’s resting because he really needs it. Thanks for your suggestion
He has a therapist and psychologist but trusts neither because his wife connected them and had privilege to doctor patient confidentiality. ( She left him recently with their baby and he has a very involved conspiracy theory surrounding her. It’s hard to tell fact from delusion. He is wondering if the Adderall is causing his symptoms but he’s having a hard time discerning truth from fiction. @Pianogal
His wife and baby left, so that’s not an issue right now. I hadn’t even thought of them denying psych patients due to Covid, that makes sense. Encouraging him to set up with a different doctor might help, I just don’t know if he can afford it.
Thank you so much, great advice too. I appreciate it
If it’s really urgent, and it sounds like, the local practioner/doctor might help?
It’s a Problem
Help Him Get into The System (???)… . …
He’s connecting a lot of things that are not connected into a conspiracy theory and he’s so scared he’s suicidal. It’s really a bad situation, he doesn’t trust his friends, and his family is far away, and his wife left him.
That’s actually a really good idea I hadn’t thought of, I’ll definitely suggest it to him!!!
It can take quite a while to get an appointment with a therapist/ p doc, but personal/ doctors can give medicine and listen to him, and try to get the fastest way to treatment
Wish I could, I’m too far away. I think @bluebutterfly s idea may just work though, he might get a referral to a psych ward that can take him, or at least get a medication change that may help
Thus May Be Helpful… . …
It May Be Hard to Hear From Someone Hurting.
But Remind Him 50 Million People in America Receive Benefits.
Do You Think That Could Be Helpful @LittleWing?.
He needs to go to the psychiatric hospital. What county are you in. There are resources. Contact NAMI
I agree with @anongoodnurse. He needs to be in a ward. He should try another hospital, because he’s suicidal. NAMI is also a good resource. He’s having a psychotic break, which may or may not be sz. He needs help. He needs to find a different dr and therapist since he doesn’t trust the ones he has.
He can come on this board if he wants. I’ll talk to him frankly if no one else will. The child needs to go to CPS