Need a new antidepressant

I’m super depressed right now. I don’t think Fluoxetine cuts it for me. Anyone know a good antidepressant that doesn’t make me fatter?


I don’t know but i think they increase appetite. Can you do something to control your weight? Idk just saying i’m not on any AD currently

Nah, I barely eat but still gain weight.

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How is it possible? I thought in my case it’s because i had more appetite and eat more which is true for me idk

Idk, maybe I’m not paying attention to how many caolories. I should be well within my caloric limits for my bmi. I just don’t do much, i’m a blob

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Could you counter act it by working out?

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Amitriptyline is pretty good

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I heard they use Topamax as an AD. ask your doc about it.

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I’m on Lexapro and it’s weight neutral for me. Controls my depression with only 10 mg too. Ask your pdoc about it.

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