The purpose of this petition is to voice opposition to legitimizing naturopathy through state licensure and mandated insurance reimbursement. Naturopaths are attempting to become legally recognized as “primary care physicians” in all 50 states and become Medicare providers. This is a dangerous future.
Naturopaths are not trained similar to physicians, nurse practitioners, or physician assistants. Naturopaths are trained in a hodgepodge of antiquated methods, mystical theories, and bare-bone fundamentals of medicine.
Naturopathic students are required to master homeopathy, energy modalities, herbalism, chiropractic-like manipulations, and therapies involving heat and water. There is a strong emphasis on anti-vaccine promotion and alternative cancer treatments.
This petition concerns naturopaths who graduated from programs approved by the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education. These programs are attempting to circumvent comprehensive medical training by misrepresenting their academic rigor to lawmakers and the public.
This is our chance to make a stand against pseudoscience masquerading as legitimate medicine. Please sign this petition to show your support for blocking naturopathic licensure, scope of practice expansion, and inclusion in federal and state health care programs.
Naturopaths are not doctors, and they should not be treated as such.
so sign a petition to prevent treating conditions naturally if and whenever possible and giving people less treatment options ? no thanks will not be signing that
why do you care what kind of primary care physician someone else chooses to go to for their care ? why take that away from someone else you can choose to avoid them but what your doing is wrong
at one point in time psychiatrists were not seen as real doctors in fact psychiatry is still considered ‘pseudoscience’ by some as it does not involve physical testing and is only based on theories
At one point there were no tests for cancer and diabetes but they both still existed . Or are you one of those people ignorant enough to believe mental illnesses don’t exist?
the point is that the ideas of what does and does not constitute something as a “pseudoscience” changes over time why would you want to stand in the way of new natural discoveries that could help people your reason for trying to prevent other people from exploring safe and natural remedies for their problems that might change their lives for the better is what ? because you personally think they are a pseudoscience - ok then dont go to them if you think that but what right do you have to take that from someone else 50 years from now all of these things very well could be mainstream proven effective alternative treatments that help people . psychiatry once considered an evil pseudoscience by society has helped people right ? but im sure back in its beginning there were people like you trying to shut it down so carry on - but you wont stop people from looking for healthier alternatives so your fighting a losing battle
Medicine and other health sciences are backed by rigorous research, I have generated my own science and am working to get it published soon as I am off medical leave. I am a psychotherapy researcher. It is painful and it gets results. Naturopathy is not science; it doesn’t survive the scrutiny my work has, for example. It does not make it.
if it works for some people i dont think they should be kept from it regardless of what other people think about it . not everyone believes in the suppliments i choose to take they think theyre worthless do nothing for me and its psychosomatic is the reason they work and thats fine if they think that about my suppliments but i wont tolerate anyone standing in front of the isle of my favorite suppliments that i believe help me keeping me from buying them for myself .
It might be helpful to understand what is “natural”. In most cases its just a marketing term that is used by companies trying to get someone to buy it. It doesn’t mean what is scientifically tested to be “natural”. Whatever “natural” actually means.
Read here:
What’s natural?
Ad agencies might try to sell us on “all-natural whole grain goodness,” “natural homeopathic remedies,” or “non-toxic, all-natural household cleansers” — but what does natural really mean? In everyday language, the word natural is often used to describe goods that are wholesome or not made by humans, but in the language of science, natural has a much broader meaning. Within science, the term natural refers to any element of the physical universe — whether made by humans or not. This includes matter, the forces that act on matter, energy, the constituents of the biological world, humans, human society, and the products of that society. So even though we might not think of them as “natural” (in the everyday sense of the word), science can study things like the human smile, human decision-making, artificial sweetener, and learning algorithms for robots because they are part of the physical universe around us.
thats very true and i definately think there needs to be regulations and what is offered for sale to the public needs to meet certain quality and safety standards whatever it is i just think people should be able to choose even if its something that is currently considered unconventional
I have a friend who does neuropathy. He recognizes that it has limitations. For example, when I asked him what natural way he could treat schizophrenia, he told me to stay on my meds, because some problems require medical solutions. If everyone was like him, that would be great. But far too many try to con cancer patients into forgoing their treatments in favor of their useless supplements, and charge them out the ass for it.