People have commented that they don’t like the size / text of our web site where it says “” - because it isn’t something they want to have other people see on their phone or laptop when they are in public spaces.
So - we’d like to come up with a new name for the mobile app that we’re developing. It could be anything… but probably something that has a positive connotation / suggestion or association.
One group in the UK named their app “SilverLinings” - on this theme.
So - post your own ideas for new names for the app - something you wouldn’t mind people seeing if you’re in a crowded location.
voices of reason, outside the box, mind Cloud, misty waters, mirrors edge, life stories, struggles4us, Close encounters, no brainers, point zero, single point, psyched up, psyched out, psyched,
The collective, the haven, the shire, close minds, simple minds, the shamen, the cult, norms, normies, bright skies, blue skies, cloudy spell, northern lights, Sub Zero (with sz highlighted)