Name your little accomplishments!

That you’ve made somewhat recently. Here are mine:

*Started brushing my teeth daily
*Haven’t had fast food all week
*Have been eating much healthier both content wise and portion wise overall, I haven’t been perfect but I am miles better than where I was before

I am feeling very proud of myself :blush: even if these things seem quite small, they are huge for me and are all things I have been struggling with for ages


I saved the world. It really wasn’t really a small a feat, maybe about medium. And I had to leave out my neighbors and two people at work.


Well done both of you. I’m happy to be running 5 km’s a day…except today because it’s been raining…I’m happy I’ve not been drinking everyday. Amazing how much money I’ve been saving…and I’m happy I’ve been internet shopping for cool stuff from saving so much money. :slight_smile:


Exercising is next on my list of things to incorporate in my daily routine! It is funny how it works, usually it takes me a week or 2 of building up the nerve and planning to do it but failing to actually do it. Then I get a sudden breakthrough and do it. And if I can make myself keep doing whatever it is I can make it a habit and it becomes easy to do.


Routine is my savior @Anna. Even if I’m feeling like shite I just get into it and do it. Took me a lot of building but it works for me. Good luck. Exercise is so good and I wish I was more gung ho when I was 30. Doh!


Had a shower and going to brush my teeth tonight before bed! That’s a first since I’m going to see my dad tomorrow at 10am to hang out. I usually put it off in the morning and sometimes have to cancel last minute because I smell bad.

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Convinced my doctor to prescribe me Caplyta. I think it’s the second day and feel fine. I noticed I am drinking water, less dissociation, tiredness, and less of an appetitie. I feel like it was 1 in a million to get that med prescribed since it came out in spring, which was a couple months ago.

i’ve set a few goals for myself (challenges) hopefully i can fulfill them :slight_smile: i think even just setting goals is a really good accomplishment, having something to aim for :slight_smile:

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I slept 5 hours without meds (tapered off) and no headache. Only mild head stinging. I think I can do this.

Don’t go off meds without pdoc approval and a strategy. My strategy is Daily Essential Nutrients and Pulsed Electronic Magnetic Therapy. I did the first for 7 months, and the second for over 1 month.


I also started brushing and flossing daily. After the cost of my last dental visit I had to get serious. I’m using prescription strength fluoride toothpaste for dry mouth. It doesn’t taste great, I’ll be honest :neutral_face:


I swept and washed the floors today.
Yesterday I cleaned up without being asked to

Actually ate enough at dinner that I managed to feel full, and didn’t once consider throwing it up afterwards

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I cut my nails yesterday. That’s really something


i f i can drive to my mums and back without sleeping then i’ll be happy, (i didnt sleep last night)

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For the past week I have been snacking on strawberries and other fruit at night instead of scarfing out on bread.

This morning I pretended I was twenty years older and did my grocery shopping extremely slowly. Seemed easier on my joints and nerves.

yesterday I didn’t complete other peoples’ sentences which is a very bad nervous habit of mine and had a much more pleasant time talking to them.

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Family relatives came over today.

I socialised woohooo


My arthritic leg hurt this morning, so I didn’t do anything. I took some Tylenol and Ibuprofen, and around 2pm I was able to take two loads of trash out to the dumpster. Maybe I’ll do some more cleaning if I can get motivated.

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  • i take control of my weight
  • i talk to people, without extra effort
  • i sleep well and take care of me properly

Please update more about this medicine. Many of us want to know more about it.

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The other day I went out in public after having Supercuts fix my quarantine hair to a fade. I bought 30 dollars worth of sushi and came home to eat it by dipping it in soy sauce with my hands. It was yummy.--------------

  • I quit smoking cigs and weed
  • I have a girlfriend
  • I’m in a nice apartment
  • I slowed down drinking
  • making it to PSR
  • always have meds
  • good terms with my folks
  • I gave up porno
  • I can get through a movie