Name One Thing You Like About The Universe

Hmm. . .


I Like Trees.

As They Say, 'The Bird’s & The Bee’s.

We Awake, We Open Our Eyelid’s, We Breathe, Such A Super Enlightening!.

What About You (???).

~P.s. Hope, Trust, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Endlessly Eternal Peace!.~ :wink:

I Also Like People, And Animals, And Architecture, And Spirituality, And Food, And Drink. . .

Pools of sorrow, waves of joy.

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I like that we have no idea what happens when we die.


It’s a puzzle to be solved, and I’ve enjoyed learning about it

But there are answers I want to know and I hope they figure out before I die


I also like trees

twenty one pilots: Trees (Audio) - YouTube

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Did Someone Say, TREES?.
The Root, The Growth, Of Seed’s.

e(Y)e’m Jus RHYMING (!!!).

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What’s the point of the photo of the beautiful woman?
Eye candy?

Another Thing, I Like About The Universe. . .

Margot Robbie. . .

Like The Illusion Of Forever, The Being’s In Being, A Human Being. . .

I like all the beautiful colours, i am so glad that we can appreciate that and its part of creation, from the darkness comes the light and a whole lot more :slight_smile:

One of my favorite universe things is nasty sex.
Also I like how sex factors into pretty much everything we do.

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Hmm?. . .

The Thread Isn’t About You And Your Lack Of Taking Care Of Yourself @anon9798425. . .

I don’t mean dirty sex, I mean raunchy kinky sex. And porn is pretty nice too.

Heaven to me would probably be constant sex. And something we’re not allowed to talk about.

I just think it’s neat.

Human kindness…

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Hmm. . .

Strange To Note.

There Is A Very Amazing Musical Artist With An Album Called, ‘White Chalk’.

Her Name Is PJ Harvey.

She Mentions ‘Human Kindness’ On The Album. Delicately Beautifully. . .

Give It A Listen!.

Music Is Something Very Personal To Me.

Forgot To Mention It, It’s So Threaded Into The Very Fiber Of My Being.

It’s a great album but I prefer her previous albums.

The one thing I like about the universe is that it revolves around me. My mother told me when I was nine that the earth doesn’t revolve around me and she was right. I think bigger.



Hmm. I like the sun. Except when it heats up my city to over 100°F. That’s not fun.

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So that’s why I’ve been feeling so dizzy lately!