Hmm. . .
I Like Trees.
As They Say, 'The Bird’s & The Bee’s.
We Awake, We Open Our Eyelid’s, We Breathe, Such A Super Enlightening!.
What About You (???).
~P.s. Hope, Trust, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Endlessly Eternal Peace!.~
Hmm. . .
I Like Trees.
As They Say, 'The Bird’s & The Bee’s.
We Awake, We Open Our Eyelid’s, We Breathe, Such A Super Enlightening!.
What About You (???).
~P.s. Hope, Trust, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Endlessly Eternal Peace!.~
I Also Like People, And Animals, And Architecture, And Spirituality, And Food, And Drink. . .
Pools of sorrow, waves of joy.
I like that we have no idea what happens when we die.
It’s a puzzle to be solved, and I’ve enjoyed learning about it
But there are answers I want to know and I hope they figure out before I die
I also like trees
Did Someone Say, TREES?.
The Root, The Growth, Of Seed’s.
e(Y)e’m Jus RHYMING (!!!).
What’s the point of the photo of the beautiful woman?
Eye candy?
Another Thing, I Like About The Universe. . .
Margot Robbie. . .
Like The Illusion Of Forever, The Being’s In Being, A Human Being. . .
I like all the beautiful colours, i am so glad that we can appreciate that and its part of creation, from the darkness comes the light and a whole lot more
One of my favorite universe things is nasty sex.
Also I like how sex factors into pretty much everything we do.
Hmm?. . .
The Thread Isn’t About You And Your Lack Of Taking Care Of Yourself @anon9798425. . .
I don’t mean dirty sex, I mean raunchy kinky sex. And porn is pretty nice too.
Heaven to me would probably be constant sex. And something we’re not allowed to talk about.
I just think it’s neat.
Human kindness…
Hmm. . .
Strange To Note.
There Is A Very Amazing Musical Artist With An Album Called, ‘White Chalk’.
Her Name Is PJ Harvey.
She Mentions ‘Human Kindness’ On The Album. Delicately Beautifully. . .
Give It A Listen!.
Music Is Something Very Personal To Me.
Forgot To Mention It, It’s So Threaded Into The Very Fiber Of My Being.
It’s a great album but I prefer her previous albums.
The one thing I like about the universe is that it revolves around me. My mother told me when I was nine that the earth doesn’t revolve around me and she was right. I think bigger.
Hmm. I like the sun. Except when it heats up my city to over 100°F. That’s not fun.
So that’s why I’ve been feeling so dizzy lately!