My window air conditioner just sparked and had a small fire

Awwwwwwww, shucks. I’ll take all the hugs you have there. I need them. I’m so lucky to have you wanting hugs. Thank you very much.

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I think I surprised myself lol My Mom told me when I was growing up how to address fires. I was pretty impressed with her, so let’s give my dearly departed all the glory.

Thanks so much for your kind words. It’s huge that I impressed you, because I think you’re awesome.

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I respect you so much. And, you are much higher functioning than I am. I think you and Mr ninja fostering and adopting is so wonderful. I’m just so truly proud of you both.

I have never seen you as weak. But, you saying you would be upset, too, makes me think…

Maybe, one day, I’ll meet someone, marry, and who knows? Thanks for showing me possibilities.

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Oh, believe me, I wasn’t always doing this well. In 2013 I was homeless, wandering the country because of my delusions, and drinking myself to sleep every night to drown out the voices. The reason I was able to escape that life is because my grandma died and left me $5,000. I was able to use it to get an apartment and start the long process of getting into treatment. It wasn’t easy by a long shot, but I was able to make progress over time.

If I can get better, anyone can.

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I’m sorry to hear that, but glad you got out of the situation. Thanks for being so open.

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