My White Tea Recommendation

Anyone looking for a healthy alternative for something to drink throughout the day let me recommend white tea. I’ve tried several brands and this one is one of the best. It’s a great deal on iherb,com 100 teabags for around $10.00 and part of the proceeds go to support an orphanage in China. It’s rated the #1 white tea on iherb and it is 100% organic. It’s called “Prince of Peace 100% Organic White Tea”.

It’s loaded with antioxidants, l-theanine and has only a little caffeine. I’ve done some research and white tea is one of the healthiest teas you can buy. I find it keeps me relaxed but alert and awake during the day. I drink several cups a day. I use to drink a lot of green/black tea, both of which are a little stronger tasting (and I still drink those teas but not as much). White tea is very mild, but with sweetener and lemon juice it’s delicious, it has really grown on me and I love it.

It comes from the same plant as green/black/oolong tea (Camellia sinensis) but harvested early on in the plants life cycle.


Click on the image below to zoom in…


sounds delicious.

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I particularly love the taste of strong black tea.

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White tea is very mild tasting, if you let it steep for 8-10 minutes, then its a little stronger, but not nearly to the extent of black tea.

And the taste is much different than green/black/oolong tea, which themselves taste different. It’s amazing how there are 4 different tasting teas all from the same plant. I’ve done some reading and it is because they are all harvested at different times in the plants life cycle and processed differently.

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