My temperature has been 96.1 for a few days now. Isn’t that

Kind of low? I tried multiple thermometers and they’re all reading the same

Its a bit low, 96.8f is the minimum.

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Mine is always low.

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Mine is always low. I go between 96-99 at different times. I think some fluctuation is normal, as long as it doesn’t go too high or too low

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Yeah. I’ve been testing it because no matter what I do I feel chilled to the bone. Even while jogging with pants and a sweatshirt I feel cold.

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Have you checked your blood pressure and circulation?


I know with diabetes circulation can be an issue. when you press into your skin on your hands and feet, does the color return quickly? Or is it unusually pale or blue?

I just checked my BP. It’s 116/77

It’s normal. No issues there. Plus a week ago my A1C was only 5.5

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Sometimes my body temperature drops.
Once it was 95.5 I think.

Keep an eye on it because you don’t want to get hypothermia.

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Maybe it is just colder than usual out? What does your thermostat say in your house?

Usually, when my temperature is lower, I feel warmer, because there is less difference between the outside air and my skin

Yeah. I’ll keep checking it twice a day

The thermostat says 72

Doesn’t it depend on where you measure it? Some common places to measure, the body temperature is supposed to be lower.


Yeah, I’ve checked with a forehead thermometer, a mouth one, and one under the arm

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It could be because you are dieting and lost a lot of weight.

Also hypothyroidism or dehydration can cause low body temperatures.

Maybe you’re electrolytes are out of whack.
Try drinking some Pedialyte.

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Isn’t ear and rectal supposed to be most accurate?

I don’t really know tbh.


Good idea @Wave. I’ll give that a go.

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Maybe. I’ll have to buy one for the ear

Plus a week ago at the drs office it was 96.6