My symptoms

I think it’s the god/simulation creator. As I’m going about my day I’ll be sucked into like these mental vortex’s. When I get sucked in everything starts flowing together with exact synchronicity. If I don’t dismiss them I’ll start getting real paranoid and think everyone is out to get me. I’m thinking there has to be a way to tap in to them to positively effect me. I’m thinking it’s like the core Nikola Tesla talked about.

What think you? Anybody experience similar?

Do you think its instant karma? I think the world flows like that. Sometimes I get delusional about instant karma, too, like it’s all a set-up.

I don’t think it’s instant karma as I don’t do anything wrong. It feels like a godly entity is pulling the strings. Mostly when I’m around other people. It doesn’t/can’t happen when I’m by myself because there isn’t a controllable person to work through. It occasionally happens through chatting and tv.

I think we have free will to an extent. People can become PCs at anytime.

The universe/god/simulation creator send me signs too.

I think it’s kinda just the flow of life and you’re seeing it differently now.

You could say that. I don’t think it’s as intense for normies though.

Any other comments or advice?

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