I remember many years ago wondering if I really had schizophrenia. Then I went to the psych ward and they diagnosed me with chronic paranoid schizophrenia and psychosis. Things eventually got better for me. Now my main problem is I only shower once a month but that’s mainly because our shower is in the basement and it’s small and the shower head is barely above my head. If I had a shower like my Grandma’s showers on her main floor with the sliding glass doors I would probably shower every day like I used to.
You don’t have a normal bathroom in your house?
We have a bathroom with a bathtub upstairs but I don’t want to use it.
What’s the reason behind that?
You should try to shower everyday, unless it’s a real struggle.
I’m not much of a bath person. I prefer showers but I don’t like our shower.
I’ve filled a bath with little water before, and used a jug. I washed my whole body, face and hair in less than 2 minutes. In and out.
You could try wet wipes as well maybe?
My dad got me some wipes but I never use them. I’ll just have to use our shower. I don’t want to take anymore baths like when I was a kid.
If you or your parents have the funds, perhaps you could get a shower attachment on the taps/faucet in the bath?
Good luck man.
There’s no room for that because the roof slants above the bathtub.
You can get hoses that slip over the faucet.
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