My story 😞👍

Hi my name is Brad I have a diagnoses of Schizophrenia I’m 27 years old and have had the diagnoses for about 8 years initially I was diagnosed with Drug Induced Psychosis at 17. Unfortunately I had trouble learning at school or fitting into the system. Sport and my mates were my outlet I was a keen football & Basketball player but would play any sport. I liked the mate-ship and trying to better my skills and I hated losing. I played in local squads of both sport’s and went a bit further with footy. While in Melbourne on a Wimmera schoolboys team for footy. I developed severe back pain, which later was diagnosed as teenage vertebrae syndrome, don’t know exact name but I was told to have a year off contact sport. During the end of 2001 & 2002 I hung around some young people who were looking to experiment with drugs and being a bit disillusioned and try anything type of kid at the time, I began to make some of my biggest mistakes of my life, taking drugs and getting into serious trouble with the law. Then I gradually began to deteriorate mentally and developed paranoia, persecutory delusions, voices & mind reading and feeling awkward in social situations. My eyes barely left the ground at this point and I had severe anxiety and I began withdrawing more and more. I felt like my brain was dissolving into mush it was extremely scary and hard to deal with I felt I was a lost cause I also felt I deserved it and that there was know hope. I also could barely converse or be around even family members. It was a massive fall from grace. To cut a ten year story shorter. In 2004 I went back to my local footy club and played a whole year and at the end of the year we won the premiership. It was rough year for me personally but would have days were I would interact and be almost my old self but then most days I’d be mute, withdrawn & paranoid. I persevered that year and one the best on ground medal in the grand final. Which at the time I didn’t realise was such a massive achievement for me personally. I began to deteriorate the following year while abusing alcohol and Valium it seemed at the time to be perfect combination to go out and socialise, enjoy myself and feel normal. In 2011 I was put on an injection for repeat psychosis I have also spent times in hospital and psych rehab. I began drawing and writing poetry and then painting in 2011 after stabilising on medication. I find it really fascinating, therapeutic and enjoyable. I also like learning from current affairs to history almost anything really. I’m also very frustrated about the mental health system, homelessness and drug and alcohol problems in the greater community. To this day I live pretty much a reclusive type lifestyle but can tolerate more like getting groceries visiting family expressing and articulating myself, especially in the last 3 years. I enjoy a beer and smoke quiet heavily but have found some contentment with my life although I’ve never gained back fully my confidence or self esteem. My family is very important and supportive and they understand my situation better the more I’m recovering and opening up more. Anyway I hope u enjoy my art


Keep the paintings coming man… they’re good stuff.

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Cheers man appreciate it :+1:

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Congratulations on working to keep ahold and learning new.

I like your art work… very cool.

I like your paintings, keep posting, you’re talented!

It’s great that you found something to do that helps alliviate the burdens of life.

Keep up the good work!