My soul mate might know..?


it IS amzing to find someone like that. my GF is always asking me what I’m thinking about…and she never laughs unless what I say is actually funny

Fifteen characters says I had a chuckle.

Not at you mind you, just the statement as it relates to me.

My husband loves me, but he absolutely does not want to hear about all the things that go on in my mind.

yeah sometimes you just want to hear someone’s head noise… all the hopes of making it easier…

and other times you want to listen to see if they’re cheating :smile:

but yeah… it’s impossible anyways… more a sign of curiosity and affection. At least to me.

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Yep. My wife is intellectually intimidated by the majority of the things I find interesting to discuss … and I don’t really socialise myself much. I do wonder what it would be like …

My husband just wants to be happy. He wants to believe in the ability to live happily. He doesn’t like to delve into the why’s. And he hopes every day that I can be happy. If he knew what goes on in my head, he would lose hope and then we’d both be a mess.

I understand … the guilt I feel as a result of the fact that I SHOULD be happy is consuming me. My wife tries to rationalise and concede solutions, but the issue is that the very things that make “normies” happy inspires the opposite in me… Proof reading … clearly I’m dysphoric today.

I often think of what my previous therapist said when I told her I was getting married. She said, “Are you sure you want to do that to him? Is that really fair?” So perceptive. I was proud of my optimism, though, and allowed myself… The older I get, and the closer I get to being finished here, the more I can go through the motions without stopping to think too often. Thinking is dangerous. I see why most people never do it.