My son being born in 2007

i celebrated glory in the corner off my mind when my son was born and still do :palm_tree: :cactus: :blossom: :seedling:


How old is your son?

@Sarad he is 8 now, his name is Cameron

Sweet! So he is already in school.? What does he like? Mine is obsessed with cars. All kinds of vehicles actually.

@Sarad…yes Cameron is in school since he was 5, i knew this already but the teacher said he was intelligant, he loves his nanny so much each time his visits my house that he chooses to spend time with her more than me

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When he grows up to certain age, it will be different. Fathers have no replacements

@Sarad my son owns half of me

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@Sarad his mom has diagnosed infertile

Hmm im not sure i understand. I mean I know what is infertility…

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